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Walking for Exercise: A Step in the Right Direction

Walking for Healthy Diabetes Living

Walking is one of the easiest ways to exercise. You can do it almost anywhere and at any time. Walking is also inexpensive. All you need is a pair of comfortable shoes.

Walking will:

For all these reasons, people have started walking programs. If you would like to start your own program, read and follow the information provided here.

Is It Okay for Me To Walk?

Answer the following questions before you begin a walking program:

If you answered yes to any of these questions, please check with your doctor before starting a walking program or other form of exercise.

How Do I Start a Walking Program?

It is important to design a program that will work for you. In planning your walking program, keep the following points in mind:

Safety Tips

Keep safety in mind when you plan your route and the time of your walk.

How Do I Warm Up?

Before you start to walk, do the stretching exercises shown here. Remember not to bounce when you stretch. Perform slow movements and stretch only as far as you feel comfortable.

Side Reaches

Reach one arm over

your head and to the

side. Keep your hips

steady and your shoulders

straight to the side.

Hold for 10 seconds and

repeat on the other side.

Wall Push

Lean your hands on a wall

with your feet about 3-4 feet

away from the wall. Bend one knee

and point it toward the wall. Keep

your back leg straight with your

foot flat and your toes pointed

straight ahead. Hold for 10 seconds

and repeat with the other leg.

Knee Pull

Lean your back against

a wall. Keep your head,

hips, and feet in a straight

line. Pull one knee to your

chest, hold for 10 seconds,

then repeat with the other leg.

Leg Curl

Pull your foot to your

buttocks with your opposite

hand. Keep your knee pointing

straight to the ground. Hold

for 10 seconds and repeat

with the other foot.

Taking the First Step

Walking right is very important.

A Sample Walking Program

Warm up TimeFast Walk Time*Cool Down TimeTotal Time
Week 1Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
5 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
15 min.
Week 2Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
8 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
18 min
Week 3Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
11 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
21 min.
Week 4Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
14 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
24 min.
Week 5Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
17 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
27 min.
Week 6Walk slowly
5 min
Walk briskly
20 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
30 min.
Week 7Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
23 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
33 min.
Week 8Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
26 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
36 min.
Week 9
& Beyond
Walk slowly
5 min.
Walk briskly
30 min.
Walk slowly
5 min.
40 min.
Note: If you walk less than three times per week,
increase the fast walk time more slowly.

Additional Resources