A Diabetic-Friendly Meal Everyone Can Enjoy
Whether you are a person with diabetes or a family member or friend, you can prepare a meal that is healthy and tastes great.
Browsing the next page of People and Diabetes.
Whether you are a person with diabetes or a family member or friend, you can prepare a meal that is healthy and tastes great.
Researchers say that medication education is a key factor in helping patients with diabetes better stick to their drug treatments plans.
Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, what, when, and how much you eat all affect your blood glucose.
As any travel agent or stranded tourist will tell you, planning ahead is the key to a successful trip. And this is particularly true for people with diabetes.
People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes often resist taking insulin because they fear gaining weight, developing low blood sugar and seeing their quality of life decline. A study recently completed suggests that those fears are largely unfounded.
The way you cook for a person with diabetes is the way you should cook for the whole family. By cutting down the fat, sugar, and sodium in recipes, you lower everyone’s risk for diabetes and other chronic diseases.
The Stockholm Pregnant and Women’s Nutrition (SPAWN) study is a follow-up study that has followed about 500 Swedish women through pregnancy and for more than a decade post-partum.
Style… brand… price? What do you shop for in athletic shoes? Experts say at the ‘sole’ of many women’s aches and pains is bad footwear.
Denial is a common response to a stressful situation. It can be an important coping and defense mechanism. But it also can delay the appropriate response to circumstances that require action and change.
How much impact do articles in prominent medical journals really have on how doctors treat patients, and how fast does that impact affect clinical practice?
Even former athletes are at greater risk for heart disease, cancer and other maladies if they no longer get 30 minutes of moderate exercise five or more days per week. Here are some fitness tips for football fans who can’t turn away from the gridiron action.
Here are some tips to help you take care of your diabetes when you have a cold, the flu, an infection, or other illnesses.
When students get back to school this year, some may be surprised by the changes in beverage choices, with fewer carbonated soft drinks and more juice, sports drinks and water options. However, any parents assuming that their children’s beverage choices have become more healthful should check their school’s plans.
People’s eating choices usually fall into certain patterns. A recent study of men’s eating patterns points out the various health risks each poses. Different groups of men may need to take specific steps to eat better, but some problems are unfortunately common.