Obesity and Diabetes

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Obesity and Diabetes

Obesity and Diabetes

These articles and resources about obesity and diabetes offer information, tips and tools about weight and diabetes. You’ll learn about diet, weight management, healthy cooking, meal planning, food labels, weight loss surgery and ways to prevent or reverse obesity while living with diabetes.

More Recent Additions

Normal Weight but Obese?

Science has confirmed the role that excess body fat plays in health problems like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. But conventional wisdom has always associated an increased risk for these diseases with overweight and obesity -- until now.

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7 Ways for Kids to Have a Slimmer Summer

This may be the first generation of kids who do not outlive their parents because of health problems related to childhood obesity. But parents can take action now to help prevent the early onset of these diseases.

Changing Beverages at School: What Will It Mean?

When students get back to school this year, some may be surprised by the changes in beverage choices, with fewer carbonated soft drinks and more juice, sports drinks and water options. However, any parents assuming that their children’s beverage choices have become more healthful should check their school’s plans.

Flavor: Friend or Foe of Healthy Eating?

Experts say the real reason behind the success, and ultimately the failure, of many weight loss diets is that their limited variety of foods and flavors makes people so bored with the food that they eat less and lose weight.

How to Keep Trans Fats Under Control

Food labels now list the amount of trans fat in foods. Consumers, however, need to develop some strategies to use this new information effectively. Learn about trans fat and incorporate these simple strategies as you choose what to eat.

Obsessed with Weight and Still Overweight

Whether you count the number of people unhappy with their shape, the percentage on a diet, or the billions of dollars spent on diet programs, books, foods and supplements, the figures all show that our society has become more obsessed with weight in the past decade or two than ever before.

Measuring Body Fat: Pros and Cons

Since the health risks of being overweight are mostly related to excess fat, many people think they should check how much body fat they have. Technology to estimate body fat levels has now become readily available.

Children and Milk

Some people seem to interpret the results of a new study incorrectly by suggesting that milk drinking drives the problem of overweight among American children. A closer look at the results affirms a weight-control message long-given to adults.

Is a Little Excess Weight a Problem?

Part of the uncertainty about the effects of moderate overweight revolves around the level of a person’s fitness compared to their fatness. Some researchers suggest that physically fit people in this category have less health risks than inactive people.


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