People and Diabetes

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Where Diabetic Patients With Chest Pains Should Be Treated

Diabetic patients with chest pain who have more than one other common risk factor for heart attack should be considered for direct admission for a complete cardiac work-up, bypassing a period of Chest Pain Unit (CPU) observation, according to a new analysis by Duke University Medical Center researchers.

Does Weight Really Matter?

Does it really matter whether the reason behind obesity’s link to health problems is a result of the weight itself or the lifestyle habits that caused it? Yes, because the answer determines how to best approach the problem.

Why Fiber Is Important To Your Diet

Diabetes 101: What can fiber do for you? Numerous studies found that diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in fiber are associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers, diabetes, digestive disorders, and heart disease.

Pregnancy, Diabetes, and Women’s Health

Women with diabetes can have healthy babies, but it takes planning ahead and effort. Pregnancy can make both high and low blood glucose levels happen more often. It can make diabetic eye disease and diabetic kidney disease worse. High glucose levels during pregnancy are dangerous for the baby, too.

Diabetes and Pregnancy

Women with diabetes can have healthy babies, but it takes planning ahead and effort. Pregnancy can make both high and low blood glucose levels happen more often. It can make diabetic eye disease and diabetic kidney disease worse. High glucose levels during pregnancy are dangerous for the baby, too.

Diabetes and Kidney Disease

The deterioration that characterizes kidney disease of diabetes takes place in and around the glomeruli, the blood-filtering units of the kidneys. Find out what else it involves.

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