Food Basics

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Baby Spinach: High Fashion, High Nutrition

Baby spinach is fashionable. But don’t let that scare you away from it. It can be the basis of an easy, delicious, healthful side dish or main course. Includes recipe for Spinach, Red Bell Pepper, and Feta Cheese Salad with Yogurt Dressing.

A New Look At Avocados

The rich, delicious flavor and smooth texture of California avocados are why most people add them to their shopping list. Includes recipe for California Avocado Tortilla Soup.

Mustard Greens, the Bold Brassica

Mustard greens are one clan in the immense, and immensely varied, brassica family of greens. Includes recipe for Chicken Soup with Greens and Black Beans.

A Warm Welcome For Broccoli’s Cousin

We have long been grateful to the Italians for introducing us to broccoli. In recent years, more Americans have also gotten to know its cousin – broccoli rabe. Includes recipe for Spicy Broccoli Rabe.

Not Your Grandmother’s Brussels Sprouts

If you hated Brussels sprouts when you were young because they tasted strong and bitter, it is definitely time to try them again. Today’s Brussels sprouts are sweeter and milder-tasting than you may recall.

It’s The Season to Talk Turkey

It is the time of year when turkey leftovers are plentiful and cooks are creatively challenged. How many turkey sandwiches can one family eat? Fortunately, there are many alternatives.

The Most Versatile Vegetable

Butternut squash is one of the handiest and healthiest vegetables you can serve. It might win the vegetable versatility award, as you can bake or roast it, steam or boil it, use it in stews or a stir-fry.

A World of Brown Rice

As people’s interest in eating grains has grown, so has the variety of rices available in stores.

Select the Best

It’s beginning to look a lot like summer at the grocery store and farmers market. Fresh, local produce is available in abundance and the only problem is how to choose.

The Incredible, Edible Eggplant

The eggplant is a staple of the Mediterranean kitchen, but it is also becoming increasingly familiar to American diners. And that gives cooks an extremely versatile food with which to work.

All About Shrimp

Expensive as they are, shrimp are by far the most popular seafood. Considering the cost, it is surprising how little Americans know about how to get the best quality and cook them easily at home. Includes recipe for Spinach and Shrimp Salad with Citrus Dressing.

Time to Eat Your Fennel

You might not know unless you grew up in Europe, where fennel has been eaten for centuries, but the season for this delicately flavored vegetable has just begun. Includes recipe for Fennel and Orange Salad.

Ratatouille, American-Style

Ratatouille is an unsurpassed bit of culinary magic, perfectly timed for the height of summer’s harvest. This side dish transforms sun-ripened tomatoes, zucchini, peppers and eggplant into a sparkling reminder of its native Provence, France.

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