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I Have Diabetes: What Should I Eat?

You can help control your blood sugar, also called blood glucose, and diabetes when you eat healthy, get enough exercise, and stay at a healthy weight. Find out more about eating and diabetes.

Life Could Be Just A Bowl Of Cherries

Historians now say that George Washington never did chop down his father’s cherry tree. But eating cherries is still a good way to honor America’s first president – especially during National Cherry Month. Includes recipe for Cherry Salsa.

Blueberries in Winter

Blueberries are hot in terms of today’s culinary trends. They offer so much that some experts recommend eating them every day.

Mardi Gras Can Be Good For Your Health

You can celebrate Fat Tuesday in a low-fat way. Traditional Louisiana gumbos can be revamped into healthful meals, including this recipe for Red Bean Gumbo.

Enjoy Dishes With Less Meat

Where animal protein is a luxury, particularly in Asia, many cooks use a small amount, just enough to give flavor to a dish with an abundance of vegetables, noodles, or rice. Americans eat more animal protein than their bodies need, and there are many reasons to eat less. Includes recipe for Asian Frittata with Shrimp and Broccoli.

An Unexpected Stir-Fry

Eating more healthfully has always appeared on my annual list of well-intended commitments. Last year, I had reasonable success with two ways to accomplish this, so I want to share them. Includes recipe for Italian Stir-Fry.

Warm Up With a Bowl of Legumes

Hearty, filling soups can be healthful as well as comforting winter dishes. And there’s no better place to start than with the legume family. Includes fat-free recipe for Split Pea Soup.

Not All Meatless Meals Are Low-Cal

Meatless meals can be a great step toward healthy eating, but simply eliminating meat does not make a meal low in calories. Depending on what else it contains, a meatless meal can be lower or higher in calories than one that includes meat.

Take a Break from the Groaning Board

In the midst of a holiday season studded with rich foods, it can be a relief to have a simple meal. A frittata, an Italian-style omelet, is a good choice for a light main course at breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

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