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Time to Eat Your Fennel

You might not know unless you grew up in Europe, where fennel has been eaten for centuries, but the season for this delicately flavored vegetable has just begun. Includes recipe for Fennel and Orange Salad.

Tricks for Making Kale a Treat

Kale is one of my favorite vegetables. Growing up, I thought it was delightfully sweet, mainly because of the melted butter my mother poured over it. Once I knew changing the type of fat and reducing the amount was essential, I began trying other ways to prepare kale.

Study Shows Healthy Eating Can Be Cheap

One barrier to healthy eating noted frequently in consumer surveys is the perception that nutritious foods are more expensive than less healthy alternatives. But a new study found that choosing healthy food does not, in fact, increase the grocery bill.

The Many Faces of a Pumpkin

A pumpkin can be more than a jack-o’-lantern. As anyone who’s been to a Thanksgiving dinner knows, pumpkin can be a pie. It can also be a cake, a bread, a muffin, a salad, a custard, a stew or a soup. Includes recipe for Pumpkin Soup.

Vegetables Straight From The Market To The Oven

The smell of food in the oven is almost as comforting as its taste. It doesn’t have to be a cake or meat roasting. As the harvest season reaches its peak, roasting vegetables can be a satisfying, healthful way to fill your home with good aromas and create a hearty meal. Includes recipe for Autumn Roasted Vegetables.

Lentil Soup, Three Ways

Lentil soup is the perfect one-dish meal. Using a few basic ingredients, you can have a magnificent pot of it ready to eat in just one hour – and only 10 minutes is actual, hands-on time.

Translating a Tuscan Treat

Even Tuscans enjoy grapes for more than wine, as I discovered my first time in Florence. Includes recipe for Grape and Red Onion Pizza.

A Lot of Nutrition in a Little Brown Bag

Bringing lunch from home is a bargain in a bag – easy on both your weight and your wallet. Making your own midday meal gives you better control over portion size, calorie and fat content, and at the same time provides nutritional benefits.

All About Shrimp

Expensive as they are, shrimp are by far the most popular seafood. Considering the cost, it is surprising how little Americans know about how to get the best quality and cook them easily at home. Includes recipe for Spinach and Shrimp Salad with Citrus Dressing.

Italian Pickled Zucchini

The summertime glut of green squash, or zucchini, is quickly dwindling, and it’s time to take advantage of what’s left in farmers markets before it disappears completely. Includes recipe for Italian Pickled Zucchini.

Try It – You’ll Like It

On a simmering hot day, nothing beats the bracing chill of a glass of cold buttermilk, but let’s not even go there. Rather, think of buttermilk as a versatile – and appealing – ingredient. Includes recipe for Cold Beet Soup.

Health Claims on Labels: The Whole Story

Many foods now carry a label identifying them as sources of fiber or other substances that can lower the risk of heart disease or other health problems. But you may still miss the details and overestimate the impact of a particular food.

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