Helpful Hints for Preparing Heart-Healthy Mexican Meals
Take a look at these helpful hints so you can prepare healthier Mexican-style meals for you and your family.
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Take a look at these helpful hints so you can prepare healthier Mexican-style meals for you and your family.
Peanut butter’s gotten a bad rap, up until now. Nutritionists and health researchers are just learning that peanut butter is a good source of protein, fiber, folate, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and even phytochemicals!
It’s hard to go wrong in the supermarket produce department at this time of year. Peak spring vegetables are making their way to market, and the color, flavor and nutritional content of these seasonal delights couldn’t be better. This makes spring a perfect time to try new vegetables!
Fresh herbs are readily available in most markets these days, and they are always nice to use. But they can be expensive, and they have a short live span. Moreover, you have to buy a good-size bunch when your recipe may call for just a few sprigs. So it is important to store fresh herbs carefully and use them up – they always add something special to eggs or a salad.
Blackberries: Picked firm, the many offspring of the wild Pacific blackberry are tart-good for canning and pies. Picked fully ripe, they are fully soft, fragrant, sweet, and best eaten raw. One form of blackberry or another is in season from June through mid September. Select all forms as for red raspberries. They do not last for more than a day.
Hors d’oeurve, or as we usually spell and say it, hors d’oeuvres,are small portions of food served before a meal to accompany drinks, alchoholic or otherwise. In the United States, we tend to use the term hors d’oeuvre interchangeably with appetizer.
Learn How to Prepare a Bell Pepper – it’s easy if you know how! From The Diabetic Gourmet Magazine Cooking Lessons.
Learn how to chop a tomato – it’s easy if you know how! From The Diabetic Gourmet Magazine Cooking Lessons Department.
Sucralose is the only low-calorie sweetener made from sugar. It is used around the world as an ingredient in low-calorie processed foods and beverages, and as a tabletop sweetener available to consumers in supermarkets and other consumer outlets. Diabetic Gourmet Magazine Article
Advice about storing turkey safely – this is a very helpful guide for Thanksgiving!
What is the safe temperature when cooking turkey? Find out here! Plus, check out our special Thanksgiving food and cooking section dedicated to diabetics!
All fish can be classified into two very broad categories: fish and shellfish. In the most basic terms, fish have fins, backbones, and gills, while shellfish have shells of one form or another.
Olive oil is graded according to the degree of acidity. The best olive oil is made from olives that are hand-picked and then cold-pressed (that is, without heat or chemicals), a process that produces a naturally low level of acidity.
There are two types of fennel, both with pale green, celerylike stems and bright green, feathery foliage. Find out more about fennel!