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Marinated Artichokes Fit For a Star

If you have only experienced bottled or canned artichokes, you must try the fresh version at least once. Understanding that you may hesitate to wrestle with fresh artichokes, we’ve created directions that simplify trimming away their tough outer leaves and spiky tips. Includes recipe for Marinated Artichokes.

The Sweet Peas of Spring

It’s the pea season, and a good way to celebrate its reemergence is with a delicate, spring pea soup. Green peas are at their peak in March, April and May (and then again from August through November), so the time is right.

Two Calorie-Cutting Strategies Pass the Test

When people manage to cut calories substantially at one meal, often they offset that reduction by overeating later that day or the next day. But now, new research at Pennsylvania State University has identified two strategies you can use to significantly lower your calorie intake for two days without feeling hungry.

Making Sense of Nutrition Research

Publicity about the recently released results from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) on lowfat diets is a good example of the confusion the media causes when headlines seem to contradict earlier research results and common sense.

Tangy Citrus Chicken Features Tender Cutlets

If, like me, you have resisted pounding chicken cutlets, trust me, it is worth the effort. Besides helping the chicken cook evenly, pounding tenderizes it. This helps cutlets come out as delicate in this Citrus Chicken, my version of picatta, as they are when served in the most exclusive restaurants.

Are Beverage Choices Better?

The recently released figures from the beverage industry show that the sales of regular soft drinks fell in 2005 for the first time in 20 years. But we are still not drinking as healthfully as we should. Our drink choices fall short of the recommendations from the Beverage Guidance Panel, which is a group of respected researchers.

A Super Steak Salad

Americans love beef. Eating most foods is fine in moderation, and this includes a nice piece of juicy beef. And what tastes better at a summer barbecue than grilled steak?

Burgers Now Come In Many Styles

The hamburger is one of America’s favorite foods. But it no longer means simply a ground beef patty served on a bun. Burgers are now made from a variety of ingredients and come with a myriad of toppings. Includes recipe for Chili Burgers.

Canned Salmon is a Good Choice

Research keeps offering more reasons for eating fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, particularly salmon. Canned salmon is a great choice because most of it is wild fish and costs perhaps one-tenth of what fresh wild salmon does. Includes recipe for Salmon Cakes.

Marrying Two Middle Eastern Favorites

Using ingredients associated with Mediterranean roots can compensate for reduced fat content and add flavor in the process. These include pureed beans, garlic and yogurt. Baba ghanouj is a spread or dip made with roasted eggplant and tahini, which is ground sesame seed paste.

Think Outside The Fruit Bowl

Fruit is more than a snack or dessert. The flavor and nutritional value of many savory dishes can be enhanced by adding fruit.

Eggs for Easter Brunch

Eggs, which embody the renewal of spring, are perfect as both decoration and a dish on the Easter table. For a festive brunch dish that is colorful and tasty as well as healthful, try an easy-to-make frittata.

Do Diet Meals Help?

The frozen food section of the grocery store contains foods ranging from pizza and snack foods to traditional meat-loaf-and-mashed-potato dinners to meals targeted at people with health concerns including weight loss, heart health and vegetarian eating.

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