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Greens Mean More Than Spinach

Spinach’s cousins are being invited to more dinner tables these days. In the not-too-distant past, greens other than spinach were practically unknown outside the southern U.S.

Celebrate America’s Hispanic Heritage

The culinary influences of Spain, Mexico and the Spanish-speaking nations of Central America, South America and the Caribbean are evident throughout the country. A plate of turkey fajitas is a good, healthy way to celebrate the country’s Hispanic heritage.

Add Some Spice To Your Life

September is both National Chicken Month and National Ethnic Foods Month, and a good way to celebrate both could be a kitchen-chair trip to Jamaica.

Getting to Know the Mushroom

September is National Mushroom Month and there’s a lot to celebrate. Mushrooms, which have no cholesterol and virtually no fat or sodium, can be an important part of a healthy diet. Article includes recipe for Mushroom-Spinach Saute.

Answering the Tomato Question

t’s the too-many-tomatoes time of year. They’re at the markets and in back yards. Co-workers leave bags of them on your desk. What to do? Stuff them.

Is Cauliflower the New Potato?

Before pasta became popular, some Americans ate mashed potatoes every day, preferably prepared with a lavish amount of butter and sometimes cream as well. To Grandma, this meant eating three foods she considered killers. I loved to bring up cauliflower in our talks.

Don’t Forget the Cole Slaw

Every cook has a cole slaw recipe. Some are mayonnaise based, others use oil and vinegar. They’re made with chopped onion, celery, peppers, pickles, herbs, bacon, or other ingredients. But they all include cabbage. For a change of pace, try our recipe for pepper-based Fiesta Slaw.

Color is the Healthy Way to Healthful Eating

Summer is the season to eat in color. The season’s fruits and vegetables are at their peak. Markets display ripe nectarines, plums, tomatoes and peppers. So the summer plate should be colorful too. Article includes recipe for Spinach and Shrimp Salad with Citrus Dressing.

Getting Creative with Broccoli

I love a culinary challenge, which is why I decided to eat broccoli every day for a week, but in a different form each time. I made a soup, a stir-fry, a casserole, a salad, a quesadilla, a drink and a dip. Should you eat broccoli every day? It is a powerhouse vegetable, so it would be a health-savvy thing to do.

It’s that Eggplant Time of Year

July is the beginning of the eggplant season for both the home gardener and the market shopper. Anytime from now through October is a good time to explore the many things one can do with an eggplant. Includes recipe for Turkish Stuffed Eggplant.

Calling All Garlic Lovers

Do you have a food obsession? I have an addiction to dark chocolate and share another passion enjoyed by many: I adore garlic.

Take a Trip to the Mediterranean Kitchen

Summer is a good time to visit, or revisit, the Mediterranean diet. We’ve heard it for years: A Mediterranean diet high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, whole grains and olive oil will help you live longer. Includes recipe for Summer Swordfish.

Fresh Herbs Make A Great Sauce

Recently, I created my own refreshing herb sauce, perfect for warm days. Serve this bright green sauce with grilled, broiled or poached fish or chicken, or try my recipe for “Chilled Shrimp with Green Sauce.”

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