Heart Health Should Be The Front Line of Diabetes Care
Intensive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors is vital for people with diabetes, according to a series of reports from the American Heart Association.
Browsing the next page of For Newly Diagnosed Diabetics.
Intensive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors is vital for people with diabetes, according to a series of reports from the American Heart Association.
Here are some tips to help people recently diagnosed with diabetes, but they hold true for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle.
Lifestyle choices, including eating a healthy diet and regular physical activity, are important for maintaining a healthy heart. For people with diabetes, these lifestyle choices are even more important.
Taking control of diabetes has many benefits. Keeping your blood sugar (also called blood glucose) levels in the normal range can make a big difference now and in the future.
Diabetes is a serious health condition that affects women in all life stages. It is also unique to women because it can impact on the health of both a mother and her unborn children. This article examines the challenges and risks of diabetes in each stage of a woman’s life.
The accuracy of your test results depends partly on the quality of your meter and test strips and your training. Other factors can also make a difference in the accuracy of your results.
Learn about what you can do each day and during the year to stay healthy and prevent heart and blood vessel problems caused by diabetes.
Learn about the things you can do each day and during each year to stay healthy and prevent eye problems caused by diabetes.
Year after year, do you make the same New Year’s resolutions to eat better or exercise more – yet don’t? If you think it’s all about self-discipline, that pattern will continue.
If good health seems to demand too many healthy habits, you’ll be cheered to know new studies show that just four can play a major role in preventing the top causes of adult death and illness in our country.
Some dieters may be working against themselves by setting unrealistic weight loss goals. Many give up in frustration and return to old habits – and their former weight.
High body levels of the hormone insulin, seen in what is called metabolic syndrome, or syndrome X, have gone from being an incidental finding among some overweight and inactive people to a major health concern that could mean a higher risk of diabetes, colon cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Diabetes 101: Tips to help you stay healthy while living with diabetes – including your eyes, heart, and your feet.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Diabetes is the new epidemic of our time.