Back by popular demand��another cookbook chock-full of healthy and tasty recipes for people with diabetes from nationally syndicated television chef Mr. Food. No longer will people with diabetes have to eat differently on special occasions (or any other day).
Mr. Food and Nicole Johnson, Miss America 1999, have come up with healthy recipes that are so tasty that the whole family will want them. With special question-and-answer sections, information about diabetes and meal planning, and tips on preparation and presentation, this book delivers far more than the average cookbook. Including recipes for special occasions from every month��Super Bowl Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, graduation parties, Independence Day, Halloween, Election Day, major religious holidays, and much more!
Book Details:
Author: Art Ginsburg
Publisher: American
ISBN: 1580401384
View at: Amazon (see sale price)List Price: $16.95Format: Paperback: 192 pages