Obesity and Diabetes

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Weight Goals: Not All Or Nothing

Some dieters may be working against themselves by setting unrealistic weight loss goals. Many give up in frustration and return to old habits – and their former weight.

Why Is Obesity A Growing Problem in America?

The statistics have been reported in all the major news magazines, on the nightly news and in newspapers from coast to coast. Overall, adult men and women are about 8 pounds heavier, on average, than they were 15 years ago. According to the National Institutes of Health, over 100 million Americans – or about 60 percent of the adult population – are overweight. Find out why.

5 Tips for Parents with Overweight Children

People may find it hard to believe that children need a diet and fitness plan. It’s a common misconception that growing kids can eat anything and will stay healthy because they naturally enjoy running around and being active.

Dietary Fat: Finding A Healthy Balance

Fat is a nutrient that is both much feared and much loved. It is a source of pleasure, guilt and confusion for many people. While eating some fat is both necessary and health promoting, eating too much fat is detrimental. When over-consumed, fat may contribute to some major health risks: heart disease, cancer, excess body fat, high blood pressure and adult onset diabetes.

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