It's personal. Cereal for breakfast leaves me cold. Even oatmeal, for me, takes second place to starting the day with something savory, preferably involving an egg.

Even when the health police frowned on eating eggs, I enjoyed them regularly. Now that they are back to being appreciated for the good they bring, I happily share recipes for interesting morning egg dishes like this.

Grown-ups love these eggs baked in a whole-wheat nest and children are fascinated to eat them. In addition to their whole-grain goodness, tomato and cheese add color. Add a sprinkling of green chives over the red tomato and cheese and this dish feels as festive as the holiday season.

If your family gathers in the kitchen, kids can help make Eggs in a Nest. Little ones can press the bread into the muffin tin cavities. Older children can shred the cheese and slide the eggs into their nests. This is even a dish young teens can make on their own, with an adult around for safety since the oven is involved.

Another reason this dish is good at the holidays is that it can be made to serve two or as many as needed. You can even wait until you count noses around the table before assembling the nests. By the time the grown-ups have had a first cup of coffee and the kids have dug into some fresh fruit, breakfast will be ready.

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Bon appetit and season's greetings.

Baked Eggs in a Nest

Makes 4 servings.

  • 4 slices firm whole-wheat bread
  • 4 large eggs
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 large plum tomato
  • 4 Tbsp. shredded cheddar cheese
  • 1 tsp. chopped fresh chives

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Coat 4 cups in muffin tin with 3-inch cavities with cooking spray, and set aside.
  2. Cut crusts off bread, making each slice square. Using rolling pin, flatten bread slightly. Press bread into muffin tin cavities with points sticking up.
  3. Break egg into small bowl, then slip into one bread “cup.” Repeat with remaining eggs. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. Cut four thin slices from center of tomato, reserving rest for another use. Cover each egg with tomato slice and sprinkle with 1 tablespoon cheese.
  5. Set muffin tin in oven and fill empty cavities in tin halfway with water. Bake 15-20 minutes, or until eggs are set to your taste and bread tips are browned. Run thin knife around outside of each baked egg nest, then lift it with tongs, garnish with chives and serve on plate or in small bowl.

Nutritional Info Per Serving:
177 calories
8.5 g total fat
3 g saturated fat
14 g carbohydrate
11 g protein
2 g dietary fiber
263 mg sodium

Dana Jacobi is the author of 12 Best Foods Cookbook. Photograph by Heather Victoria Photography