Medication Education Key to Successful Adherence in Patients with Diabetes
Researchers say that medication education is a key factor in helping patients with diabetes better stick to their drug treatments plans.
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Researchers say that medication education is a key factor in helping patients with diabetes better stick to their drug treatments plans.
A child’s taste preferences begin at home and most often involve salt, sugar and fat. And, researchers say, young kids learn quickly what brands deliver the goods.
Researchers say people should establish new traditions to increase happiness and avoid wintertime woes. Instead of resolving to make drastic new year changes, establish healthy traditions for the winter months.
Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, what, when, and how much you eat all affect your blood glucose.
As any travel agent or stranded tourist will tell you, planning ahead is the key to a successful trip. And this is particularly true for people with diabetes.
A bloated feeling or excess gas is occasionally a symptom of serious problems like intestinal obstruction, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, or irritable bowel syndrome.
There are good reasons why walking is America’s favorite workout: It doesn’t require a gym membership; it is more fun than riding a stationary bike; and it’s more convenient than going to a public swimming pool.
The usual excuse of lack of time for not doing enough exercise is blown away by new research. Astonishingly, it is possible to get more by doing less!
People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes often resist taking insulin because they fear gaining weight, developing low blood sugar and seeing their quality of life decline. A study recently completed suggests that those fears are largely unfounded.
Diabetes can make the immune system more vulnerable to severe cases of the flu. Being sick by itself can raise your blood glucose and illness can prevent you from eating properly, which further affects blood glucose.
Exercise should be an integral part of the treatment plan for all persons with diabetes. Exercise helps all persons with diabetes control weight, improve insulin sensitivity, bring about a healthier mental outlook, and reduce cardiovascular risk factors.
The way you cook for a person with diabetes is the way you should cook for the whole family. By cutting down the fat, sugar, and sodium in recipes, you lower everyone’s risk for diabetes and other chronic diseases.
It’s important to make the most of the potentially short amount of one-on-one time you have with your doctor. These simple tips can make a big difference in the quality of care you receive.
Bladder dysfunction can have a profound effect on quality of life. Diabetes can damage the nerves that control bladder function in men and women.