The Risks of Weight-Control Surgery
Since almost two-thirds of our population is now overweight or obese, thoughts about surgical procedures to reduce weight frequently cross people’s minds.
Browsing the next page of Diabetes-Related Health Conditions.
Since almost two-thirds of our population is now overweight or obese, thoughts about surgical procedures to reduce weight frequently cross people’s minds.
Even when some people dine alone, they have the company of four or more internal voices. These people don’t suffer from mental illness. Their brains are merely replaying conflicting and possibly negative messages about what to eat and how much.
Each year, five to twenty percent of Americans get the flu. More than 200,000 are hospitalized due to complications. Because flu vaccines are in tight supply this year and you may not receive one, you should think about additional ways to protect yourself.
The consumption of soft drinks by American youth is increasing. National dietary surveys show that carbonated soft drink consumption more than doubled in youths aged 6 to 17.
Do you need to lose weight? Turn off the television or computer an hour earlier and go to bed. A lack of sleep may make weight loss and weight control more difficult!
In our aging population, more and more older adults will find their independence prematurely ended as eye disease removes their ability to drive, read and pursue favorite hobbies. Two new studies offer hope that healthy eating patterns that may protect our eyes.
The number of fast food outlets in poor and black neighborhoods may play a role in the obesity epidemic among residents of these areas, suggest the results of a geographical survey.
When the pancreas does not make enough insulin or the body is unable to use the insulin that is present, the cells cannot use glucose. Excess glucose builds up in the bloodstream, setting the stage for diabetes.
All body fat is not the same. Researchers and health care professionals often measure overweight in pounds or with a calculation called the Body Mass Index.
Whether dieters reach their goal or barely lose a pound, the day almost always comes when they go off the diet. It doesn’t have to be that way…
When soy foods were first tied to a lower risk of cancer, consumer publications made the link seem certain. Now many people are unsure what soy can do against cancer.
Hundreds of newly available low-carb foods are actually making weight loss more difficult. Don’t let food package claims deceive you – a 2 gram carb protein bar could have 240 calories.
For years, population comparisons around the world have linked high-fat diets with greater breast cancer risk. Laboratory and animal studies support such a link. But studies of individuals have had mixed results.
Menopause is a natural step in a woman’s life cycle, yet several body changes that accompany menopause pose problems for many women.