5 Easy Steps to a Perfectly Roasted Turkey
Learn how to roast the perfect turkey – this is a very helpful lesson for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anytime!
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Learn how to roast the perfect turkey – this is a very helpful lesson for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anytime!
What is the safe temperature when cooking turkey? Find out here! Plus, check out our special Thanksgiving food and cooking section dedicated to diabetics!
What is the shelf life of turkey? Find out here! Plus, check out our special Thanksgiving food and cooking section chock full of recipes, tips, advice, and more!
Advice about storing turkey safely – this is a very helpful guide for Thanksgiving!
After years of answering over 20,000 calls about turkey handling and preparation, USDA’s Meat and Poultry Hotline home economists say these are the questions they hear most often.
Lots of people make mistakes on Thanksgiving when it comes to the safety of their food. Take a look at this article for a look at how you can keep yourself, and your family and friends, safe this year!