Everyday, novice and experienced cooks confront such questions as How many onions must I chop to get 2 cups? and I don't have any sour cream --what can I use instead? For the first time, these questions and hundreds more are answered in one handy volume. Food FAQs, a necessary resource for every kitchen, contains more than 1100 entries covering foods used most often in American kitchens.
And now I've saved the best gift, wrapped in the smallest package, for last! How many times have you looked at a recipe and wondered how many sweet potatoes or kiwi fruit you'll need to buy to equal the 1-1/2 to 2 cups called for in the ingredients list? If you're in the food writing business or are a caregiver to someone with diabetes, then you need to know how many cups, ounces or pounds to plug into your nutritional software to analyze a recipe. Finally, someone has published a book with all the answers!
They say the best gifts are sometimes wrapped in the smallest packages and that's exactly what I have to offer in this last review.
How many times have you looked at a recipe and wondered how many sweet potatoes or kiwi fruit you'll need to buy to equal the 1-1/2 to 2 cups called for in the ingredients list? Whether you're a care giver for someone with diabetes or have diabetes yourself, you need to know how much food to buy for your recipes. Further, if you're in the food-writing business as I am, it's critical to know how many cups, ounces or pounds to plug into your nutritional software to analyze a recipe for nutritional counts. Hang on because help is finally on the way, and the answers you need are all neatly tied into one resourceful package!
Food Faqs (frequently asked questions): Substitutions, Yields & Equivalents, by Linda Resnik and Dee Brock, can answer just about every one of your questions and is destined to become the quintessential reference tool for every kitchen. I can't tell you how many times (probably in the hundreds) I've accessed this little jewel since receiving it in my incoming review box! It's absolutely fantastic and I can't think of one time I haven't found my answer in this great resource.
There are more than 1100 entries covering food items used most often in American kitchens, including increasingly popular Asian and Hispanic items. The user-friendly, cross-referenced index helps readers find their places easily and there are even highlighted lower-fat alternative suggestions for dietary control.
I echo Cooking Light Magazine's sentiment in naming Food Faqs (frequently asked questions): Substitutions, Yields & Equivalents as " ...one of the 45 most indispensable ideas, products, ingredients, techniques, and tools they've ever found..." This one belongs on EVERY kitchen shelf and I'd rather buy it for someone than loan out my personal copy! A great addition to your kitchen basics and an even better as a gift idea -- so keep it in mind for those stocking stuffers for 2003.
Book Details:
Author: Linda Resnik
Author: Dee Brock
Publisher: FAQs Press
ISBN: 0966717902
View at: Amazon (see sale price)List Price: $12.95Format: Paperback: 224 pages