Heart Health Should Be The Front Line of Diabetes Care
Intensive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors is vital for people with diabetes, according to a series of reports from the American Heart Association.
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Intensive treatment of cardiovascular risk factors is vital for people with diabetes, according to a series of reports from the American Heart Association.
The intensity of physical activity needed to reduce the risk of heart disease depends on individual fitness levels.
Sitting down as a family at the dinner table appears to play an important role in promoting healthful eating among adolescents.
Lifestyle choices, including eating a healthy diet and regular physical activity, are important for maintaining a healthy heart. For people with diabetes, these lifestyle choices are even more important.
Here are some tips to help people recently diagnosed with diabetes, but they hold true for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle.
More people are living into their seventies, eighties, and nineties, and diabetes is on the upswing in this population. As is the case in younger groups, type 2 diabetes is sometimes preventable, but certain group-specific characteristics present new challenges to health care professionals treating older people with diabetes.
An estimated 44 percent of all prescriptions in the United States are filled with generic drugs. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about generic drugs.
Sometimes, inside the health-care professions and health-care regulatory agencies, we hear the opinion that type 2 diabetes isn’t that big a deal.
Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, in which the body’s white blood cells kill the islet cells that make insulin in the pancreas. Endocrinologists treat diabetes with diet and medications, which may include insulin.
While more than 60 percent of those recently surveyed get some physical activity during their leisure hours, only a little over 30 percent of the population actually meet current recommendations that define regular exercise.
Recent reviews in JAMA make a strong case for adults to use a daily vitamin supplement. Meanwhile, a position paper published last year in the Journal of the ADA emphasizes that decisions about supplements should be based on an accurate appraisal of scientific evidence and individual needs. So what should you do?
Physical activity is now recognized as a major factor in staying healthy and reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other health problems. Joining a health club or fitness center can be an excellent way to get motivated and get moving. But experts warn that you should take time to choose wisely.
Among African American women, Type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions; age 20 years or older, the rate is 11.8 percent. About 1 in 4 black women over the age of 55 years of age has diabetes, nearly twice the rate of white women.
For American Indians – Alaska Natives, both women and men, the incidence rate of type 2 diabetes has reached epidemic proportions. Overall, 12.2 percent of AI/AN women and men over the age of 19 have been diagnosed with diabetes.