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Who Gets Diabetes?

Diabetes 101: Diabetes is not contagious. People cannot catch it from each other. However, certain factors can increase one’s risk of developing diabetes.

Exchange Systems

Diabetes 101: In an effort to make meal planning easier for the diabetic, the American Diabetes Association and others have developed exchange systems.

Diabetic Children and Diet

Diabetes 101: A healthful, varied diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables is the best way of ensuring overall health for your child.

Type 2 Diabetes in Youth

Type 2 diabetes in youth is increasing today due to increasing obesity and the sedentary lifestyle of many of today’s youth. It can be difficult to diagnose because the individual may present with clinical symptoms similar to type 1 diabetes.

Pregnancy, Diabetes, and Women’s Health

Women with diabetes can have healthy babies, but it takes planning ahead and effort. Pregnancy can make both high and low blood glucose levels happen more often. It can make diabetic eye disease and diabetic kidney disease worse. High glucose levels during pregnancy are dangerous for the baby, too.

Lower Blood Glucose To Improve Health

For the 16 million Americans with diabetes, high blood glucose (sugar) levels can pose serious health threats like blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, stroke and foot ulcers that lead to amputations.

Your Medicine Cabinet Needs an Annual Checkup Too

What kind of medicines and other health products should you keep on hand to treat minor ailments or injuries? More importantly, where’s the best place in the house to keep them? Here’s what doctors, nurses and pharmacists recommend.

Alternative Therapies for Diabetics

Alternative therapies are treatments that are neither widely taught in“medical schools nor widely practiced in hospitals. Alternative treatments“that have been studied to manage diabetes include acupuncture,“biofeedback, guided imagery, and vitaminand mineral supplementation.“The success of some alternative treatments can be hard to measure.“Many alternative treatments remain either untested or unproven through“traditional scientific studies.

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