Introducing a brand new and truly exciting healthy cookbook to the promotional market-at a great price! This beautiful hardcover, written by the dynamic author of the very successfully Trim & Terrific(tm) cookbook series, is a complete guide to cooking for company and planning a party-while eating on the light side. Expert at creating user-friendly recipes tailored to the busy, health conscious consumer, Holly Clegg provides simple and stylish decorating suggestions and tips for advance preparation. From a sumptuous but streamlined spring brunch buffet with Shrimp and Cheese Grits Casserole and Baked Praline Orange French Toast to a barbecue bash with Glazed Chicken, Roasted Potato Salad, and Pasta Coleslaw, these are recipes that make special occasion cooking seem simple and health-wise, as well as delicious.
She's back again! Holly Clegg returns this year with a beautiful new format in Holly Clegg's Trim & Terrific Home Entertaining The Easy Way.
Packaged in beautiful coffee-table style with fabulous color photography by David Humphreys on every page, Holly goes all out to bring the reader more than 120 trimmed-down, crowd-pleasing recipes (each with complete nutritional analysis and diabetic exchanges) and entertaining ideas which will make your parties unforgettable.
Chapters are divided into 13 different party themes and each section includes Menu Selections (recipes), Terrific Tips, Short Cuts, and Exciting Extras. One of my favorite themes is the "Glitz & Glitter Dessert Party," which Holly says she, "...loves to throw during the busy holiday season, when guests often need to come and go quickly or are just dropping by on their way to another soir�e." A partial list of other party themes include a Bountiful Brunch, Classic Cocktail Party, Terrific Tailgating, Holiday Dinner, Souper Bowl Party, Mardi Gras Madness and Comfort Sundays.
More than a cookbook, Holly's helpful entertaining hints show you how to make the most of your time with suggestions like picking up side salads or ordering trays from your local grocer, along with preparing some of your party dishes in advance. You'll also find creative decorative and serving ideas including using the seasonal hues of colored vegetables for table decorations, floating colorful fruits in the punch bowl for pizzazz, and strategic placement of snacks throughout various areas of the house to encourage movement and mingling. Her innovative ideas for making your guests feel special are priceless.
With Holly's easy instructions and quick tips for preparing healthy dishes and delightful gatherings,Holly Clegg's Trim & Terrific Home Entertaining The Easy Way, �2003 by Holly Clegg, is a must-have for hosting effortless parties!
Book Details:
Author: Holly Clegg
Publisher: Running Press Book Publishers
ISBN: 0762416297
View at: Amazon (see sale price)List Price: $19.98Format: Hardcover: 128 pages