If you have diabetes, here is the information you need to make healthy food choices when you go out to eat. Now you can dine at fast food chains and stay on your meal plan. Inside this handy guide is complete, at-a-glance nutrition information for more than 55 fast food chains, including Burger King, Wendy's, McDonald's, Baskin Robbins, TCBY, and other favorites.
If you "eat out" on a regular basis or just need good information to get you through your hectic schedule of school activities, car-pooling, and the upcoming holidays, you'll appreciate the Guide to Healthy Restaurant Eating, 2ND EDITION, by Hope S. Warshaw, MMSc, RD, CDE. This is a very thick pocketbook-type of publication which packs a wealth of information on more than 3,500 menu items from 55 chain restaurants.
Hope Warshaw, who is one of my favorite cookbook/reference book authors, has put together the best restaurant guide available for people with diabetes. In her thorough and meticulous style, she's been able to present you with all the facts you need to choose your meals intelligently, whether you're enjoying "fast food" or making selections from a restaurant menu. You'll find complete nutritional information AND exchanges for every menu item listed in this book (it's rare to find a guide of this type which includes dietary exchanges).
Warshaw has also included the basics about today's diabetes nutrition management and meal planning goals and strategies, plus common restaurant pitfalls and strategies for defensive restaurant dining in the section titled "Put Your Best Guess Forward." Further, if you can't find a particular restaurant chain in this book, or if there's a new menu item introduced for a restaurant that IS included, there's a handy list on how and where to get the nutrition information you need.
This is the best guide to eating out that I've come across to date. Published by the American Diabetes Association, �2002 by Hope S. Warshaw, Guide to Healthy Restaurant Eating 2ND EDITION is an excellent resource for those of you who live life "on the run," with minimal time for kitchen duty (it also makes an excellent stocking stuffer!). Highly recommended.
Book Details:
Author: Hope Warshaw
Publisher: American Diabetes Association
ISBN: 158040152X
View at: Amazon (see sale price)List Price: $17.95Format: Paperback: 480 pages