All fats and carbohydrates aren't created equal. The good kinds nourish your body as they help you lose weight. The bad kinds--found in sugary, fatty foods like doughnuts, snack foods, and fast-food meals--damage your body's ability to burn off what you eat. Worse, eating them actually triggers cravings and makes you even hungrier!
On the South Beach Diet, by best-selling author and Miami Beach cardiologist Arthur Agatston, M.D., you eat plenty of good carbs and good fats--delicious, healthy foods that crush cravings, curb overeating, and leave you satisfied rather than starving. And now, with The South Beach Diet Good Fats/Good Carbs Guide, you have all the information you'll need to make the right meal choices--anytime, anywhere.
This Guide Does All the Work--More Than 1,200 Food Listings at Your Fingertips You'll know at a glance if a food is compatible with the South Beach Diet--each entry lists its carbohydrate, sugar, and fat grams, plus all the foods are ranked "Good," "Limited," "Very Limited," or "Avoid," according to the nutritional principles Dr. Agatston explains in his introduction. Packed with essential information, food lists, shopping tips, meal makeovers, a Dining-Out Guide to stay on track at your favorite restaurants, and more, The South Beach Diet Good Fats/Good Carbs Guide is your key to lifelong health and weight loss.
Book Details:
Author: Arthur Agatston
Publisher: Rodale Press
ISBN: 1579549586
View at: Amazon (see sale price)List Price: $7.99Format: Paperback: 160 pages