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Be Generous With The Salsa

At every single meal, Mexicans serve a simple fresh salsa made with tomatoes, jalapenos and onions. More than a zesty condiment, salsa is also a healthy veggie dish that can be eaten liberally.

Children and Milk

Some people seem to interpret the results of a new study incorrectly by suggesting that milk drinking drives the problem of overweight among American children. A closer look at the results affirms a weight-control message long-given to adults.

How Much Vitamin E Is Enough?

Scientists still are unsure how much daily vitamin E is best. The committee that created the latest federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans says that many adults and children in the U.S. may not consume optimum amounts of vitamin E.

A Perfect Summer Chili

We call it chili, shortening the name from its original, chili con carne, the dish chuck wagon cooks in the Southwest made to feed the he-man appetites of cowboys working cattle at the ranch and out on the range.

Entertaining The Perfect Dish

For warm-weather entertaining, I like colorful dishes that can be made ahead. I favor those flexible enough to accommodate spur-of-the-moment gatherings and variations based on what looks good at the market or happens to be on hand.

Easy And Healthful Pate For Today’s Lifestyle

Back when gourmet dining meant French food, and The French Chef was our sole culinary media star, making pate from scratch, along with whipping up a souffle and baking a crusty baguette, were considered the marks of an accomplished home cook.

Mexican Tomatillo Soup Shows Regional Flavor

As Mexican cooking has become increasingly popular, chefs have taken to exploring its regional aspects. A refreshing example of this, both for its flavor and unexpected use of common Mexican ingredients, is a soup created by restauranteur Bob Kinkead.

What’s in that Weight Loss Supplement?

Americans spend billions of dollars each year on weight loss supplements. Although we wouldn’t buy a car or a dinner without knowing some details, many who purchase these supplements have no idea what is in them, or what independent reports say about their safety and effectiveness.

The Risks of Weight-Control Surgery

Since almost two-thirds of our population is now overweight or obese, thoughts about surgical procedures to reduce weight frequently cross people’s minds.

Monkfish Makes an Elegant Dinner

Called lotte in France, monkfish is also sometimes known as poor man’s lobster because its pearly white color and unflaky texture vaguely resemble the meat of a lobster tail.

Do You Have a Taste for Healthy Food?

People may inherit a sense of taste that affects their desire to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. By being aware of your preferences, you can find ways to increase the number of these foods you have each day until you meet health recommendations.

Celebrating the Year of the Rooster

The Chinese New Year begins at the second new moon after the winter solstice, on February 9th, and is celebrated until the full moon on the 24th. 2005 is the Year of the Rooster.

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